Last weekend was the launch of the inaugural Sarawak Hobby Fest 2015. The two days event was held at Kuching Sentral and saw a huge turnout of collectors, cosplayers, yo-yo players, and even a very talented local artist. The crowd response was also overwhelming despite not having any advertisements in the physical format i.e. banners and newspapers.
I could not make it on the first day due to heavy overlapping schedule on that Saturday, and sadly missed out on the cosplays. I was looking forward to it so much as I wanted to hone my portrait photography skills. Nevertheless, I was there on Sunday and had fun looking at and photographing the amazing line-up of Gundams, Transformers, dolls and other collectibles that were on display there.
It was fun to be able to use the 50mm lens on the Canon 60D again. I've missed it very much as I am continually trying to get myself used to my new Olympus OMD E-M10. I really like to 50mm format for its tight framing and shallow depth-of-field. However, due to not using it for quite a while, I was surprised at the result of the photographs taken. The depth-of-field is immensely shallow and the soft, fluffy images felt weird compared to the sharpness of the Olympus.
In hindsight, I should have taken the 50mm out for a spin a couple of times prior to the event just to get the familiarity of the images back. Nonetheless, I am quite happy with the photographs, hence I am sharing them here.
PS: I am tempted to get myself a 50mm equivalent on the M.Zuiko digital lens series but do I really need two 50mm lens? I need more Robin Wong to convince me that I do.
PPS: I do have a set of cosplay photographs from the promotion video shooting session a few months earlier, which I may decide to post them up later.

My, what big teeth you have.

The classic lineup.

Big red guns.

Pink swords...?

I'm not a Gundam, I'm your fairy godmother. Who said Gundams can't be fabulous?

Those 80's shoulder pads are coming back into fashion.

Seeing a pattern here yet?

Lights, camera, action!

Little army. Big armour.

How mums imagine guitar welding, heavy metal rock stars look like.


Wolf in sheep clothing.
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