I love exploring abandoned buildings, especially old derelict houses. Stepping into them is like walking through a time portal. The furniture, books and personal belongings that lie covered in dust, half eaten by insects, and strewn across the floor as if a tornado ripped through the house fuels the imagination of what it felt like living in that house during its most prosperous era. Those very same items also left an unanswered question to explorers, and perhaps the same question asked by the house, towards its forgotten owners - why did they abandoned the place? Properties are always considered as investments and a property owner would not abandon such huge investments without making a profit out of it first. There a a many reasons why buildings are abandoned, but to make a relevant connection to the local environment, it could be narrowed down to a few reasons such as, eviction due to bankruptcy, death of the remaining occupant, and migration of the occupants t...
The curious journey through Cat City and its mysterious nine lives.